Amongst the Leaves is a 13 page boxed folio of prints and illustrations, describing the discovery and cataloging of several unique plant varieties found in the house above Ioway Creek. With a non-linear narrative, this book strives to tell the story of the house through the guise of a botanical catalogue. The aesthetics and illustrations of the folio are inspired by the tradition of ecological and botanical illustration that describe the natural world with beauty and accuracy. As a child I connected these illustrations, especially those of Arthur Singer, to the plants and animals around me with joy and wonder. This folio seeks to reproduce that wonder by connecting viewers to a place they have never been, through plants that don’t really exist. Amongst the Leaves serves as my tribute to the art that entranced me as a child, and to those who showed me how to make it my own.

The first edition of 6 copies are come inside a handmade two-piece box, with a letterpress printed box cover, and all individually numbered in the bottom middle of the box.
Below you can click through all 13 pages to read more about the plants of the house above Ioway Creek, or just look at the illustrations. Enjoy.